A Hole in One for the Whole Community

Residents from New Way of Life Snyder volunteered their time and skills this past Fall season at the McClure Veteran’s Memorial Pool/Mini Golf Course located in McClure, PA.  NWOL residents helped with landscaping throughout the property and they adopted the “Pinball Hole” at the Mini Golf Course which needed a great deal of work.  During the summer months, the pool is free to the community and it is the only pool in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that can claim that it is a “free admission pool”.  They are hoping to be able to reopen in the spring, but they have limited funds and subsist on donations.  The residents of NWOL Snyder support the McClure Veteran’s Memorial Pool as much as they can by volunteering their time and elbow grease when projects come about, no matter the season.  Firetree, Ltd. is very proud of our residents for stepping up and helping to maintain this long-standing and much-loved community gathering place.