B.A.L.M. - Be A Loving Mirror, A Family Approach

Please join us for the next webinar of our educational series, where we'll discuss the importance of supports while in recovery from a substance use disorder, considerations while navigating romantic relationships and current views about codependency.

Hosted by Alexis Bence, Counselor at New Way of Life Halfway House

When:   Tuesday, August 20, 2024 12:00-12:30pm
Where:  RingCentral Webinar
Who:     Family, community, and society members
What:    We will be discussing Be A Loving Mirror (B.A.L.M.), a method for those who know how difficult it can be to cope with the lifestyle of a loved one who abuses drugs or alcohol. Learn how to love the addicted person while loving yourself!

If you missed any of our previous educational webinars, please visit us on YouTube to catch up!