Scranton Pavilion Open House

Scranton Pavilion sits at 409 Olive Street in Downtown Scranton.
On July 30th, Firetree, Ltd. held an open house to celebrate the opening of our new Residential Reentry Center in Scranton, PA. Currently, Scranton Pavilion has contracts in place with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to house and assist 19 female and 37 male reentrants with their transition back into the community.
Reentrants are offered Life Skills Classes, goal-oriented program planning, community based support services (AA/NA, mental health, legal, religious, vocational, and educational), recreation programs and chemical dependency education resources. Facility staff assist reentrants with finding employment. Clients can also participate in community service and payment of fines, costs and restitution which can be mandated for some.
The Facility Director, Alicia Carey said, “I greatly appreciate all the hard work from Corporate and Scranton Pavilion staff to make the open house run so seamlessly. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and having the opportunity to catch up, as well as meeting all of those I also look forward to working with in the future.”
The weather was beautiful, the burgers were good and everyone enjoyed the facility tour and mingling with colleagues. Thank you to everyone that attended!